Apply in-place algorithms on array-like containers

During the development of an algorithm, we may encounter situations where changes to certain data structures (e.g., an array or similar containers) need to happen in-place. While this approach can offer convenience during the development process, there are certain circumstances that require attention:

1. If the developing algorithm is expected to run in a multi-threaded environment, it's crucial to consider potential issues. The hitch is easily overlooked: while you are altering the array, other threads may need to access the array as well and might not expect it to be modified during the process.

2. Another consideration arises when the array needs to be used later, or by another thread, once the lock has been released (For more information on threading and locking, refer to Chernel's YouTube video). In such situations, changing the content of the array on-the-fly could lead to potential problems.

In general, when developing a new algorithm within a large project—let's say we are adding a new function to an existing codebase—it's not advisable to modify the content of the input. This caution stems from the possibility that the input may be used elsewhere within the codebase at a later time.

However, for personal development purposes, such modifications might be acceptable. For instance, sometimes we pass a vector by reference (which is more efficient), and inside the function, we perform certain operations on that vector without needing to copy the entire vector.

class Solution {
    int timeRequiredToBuy(vector& tickets, int k) {
		int a = k;
		return a;